Estate Planning
Estate Planning Attorney in Gainesville, Georgia
At Sartain Law Offices, we recognize that producing the best outcome for our clients goes beyond just the case in front of us. Our ability to handle multiple integrated cases is something that has always set our firm apart. As part of that integration, we know that getting the best outcome means that we always have to consider the future for our clients. That future means that we think about not only where you will be today and tomorrow but also what is yet to come.
With that future in mind, we are pleased that Jennifer Jarvis will be providing comprehensive estate planning at our firm. Estate planning is not just for the “super wealthy.” It is planning for your family and your future and to ensure that should the worst happen, your family and loved ones will be taken care of in the way that you envision – not in the way that a court decides.
In the State of Georgia, if someone dies without a will, there is a “plan” written by the state as to what happens to your assets. That plan may not be in accordance with what you want. The plan may distribute your hard-earned assets to someone you don’t want to have them. From experience, we all know of families that have been torn apart because there was not a plan in place - that is something no one wants.
With comprehensive estate planning, we go beyond just distribution of tangible assets. We consider the parts of your life that are the most important to you:
Your Children
If you have minor children, do you have a plan in place for them should something happen to you? This plan has to consider not only who you want to be a long term guardian, but also who can step in to take care of children in an emergency. The appointment of someone as a long term guardian is not a question you want to leave to a judge who does not know you, your family, or the values you want your children raised with. Or course, if your children are disabled, then long term guardian issues become even more important and estate planning even more essential and complicated when we have to consider maintaining eligibility for programs such as Medicaid.
If you have pets or valuable animals, do you have a plan in place for them? Who has the legal authority to step in and take care of them, and potentially find them homes if necessary? You know your pets need daily care. Does someone know to come get your pet if you are not home? Do you have someone you trust to be able to make proper decisions about their care and placement – the types of decisions you would want to be made?
All of these things, and more, are issues we tackle with comprehensive estate planning. It is more than “just a will.” Our estate planning is a guide that you provide for your family to ensure that during a time of grief and hardship, the transition will be as easy as possible for them.
Don’t wait, call us today to schedule a planning session.